Enterprise development

Enterprise development

In collaboration with Makerere University Business School Entrepreneurship, innovation and Incubation Centre MUBS-EIIC, we identify most vulnerable households/urban poor households, who are prepared and trained in basic entrepreneurship. After identifying and...

Child case support

Every child has the right to be protected from violence and live free from fear, neglect, abuse and exploitation. In Need Home provided the most needed case support to victims of Violence against Children (VAC); provide recovery support to Survivors of Sexual Abuse...

Computer and tailoring

In Need Home uses Vocational Skills as a way to empower youngsters who never got chance to continue with education and those who have never been in school. This helps in breaking the yoke of vulnerability among the youngsters at risk
Education support

Education support

We select the most vulnerable children based on a 4factor criteria of Out of school children; Orphaned children, Children living with Disabilities (CLWD); and Chronically sick childrenAfter selection, a child is supposed to complete a two year program at In Need Home...