by Tonny Katongole | Mar 20, 2024 | Community Support, Economic Strengthening, Education, Empowering, INH Letter, INH news, Local News, Success story of Sponsorship program, What we do
We interviewed Nasirumbi Fida who managed to start a successful business where she grows and sells compound grass. This is what she explained about her journey through In Need Home Fida photographed standing in front of the home she built How did you find In...
by Tonny Katongole | Jan 26, 2023 | Local News
Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) conducted a city wide operation to rescue loitering children from the streets. The operation was carried out by the KCCA law enforcement team and the Uganda Police on Wednesday, January 25, where over 150 children were rescued....
by Tonny Katongole | Oct 7, 2022 | Local News
Dorothy Kisaka the KCCA Executive Director Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has hit and exceeded its revenue collection target for the first quarter of the financial year 2022/23. The revenue collected for this first quarter is Shs24.9 billion against a target of...
by Tonny Katongole | Sep 5, 2022 | Local News
A KCCA law enforcement o cial with a rescued street beggars At the busy Wandegeya four-way road intersection, it is common to find juvenile beggars in big numbers. Strikingly, nearly all of them hail from Karamoja and among them are some as young as two years old. At...
by Tonny Katongole | Aug 23, 2022 | Local News
26 women remanded to Luzira for using children to beg City Hall Magistrate’s Court has remanded 26 women for using children to beg on streets which is a crime under the Kampala Capital City Child Protection Ordinance 2022. The 26 appeared before Magistrate Edwin...
by Tonny Katongole | Aug 19, 2022 | Local News
KCCA officer takes a street kid off the street in Kampala Four people have been arrested in Kampala for using children to beg and encouraging them to stay on the streets. Anah Nalukude, Brenda Nakiru, Maria Longol and Santa Anyango were arrested during a children...