The ultimate goal of this program is to strengthen the capacity of caregivers and communities to address the financial issues to ensure vulnerable children are able to access essential services, including safety, healthcare, education, and other basic needs. In Need Home facilitates the care givers living in slums to access savings without collateral, business credit, skills training, employment (including self-employment), market linkages, and value chain development. This intervention aims at addressing economic vulnerability. Under Economic Empowerment Program (OHEEP) the following are addressed
Financial education:
Financial education empowers recipients to make wise financial decisions. It teaches people how to save more, spend less, borrow prudently, and manage debt with discipline. It can also help more experienced program clients understand an array of financial services, from money transfers to insurance
Income-generating activity:
In Need Home helps its beneficiaries to carry out legal activities that can boost household income and living standards, including backyard agricultural/livestock production, micro- enterprises, handicrafts, briquettes making etc.
Market linkages/facilitation:
linkages refer to information on or contact with buyers of products or services and/or with input suppliers. Facilitation helps ensure that entrepreneurs have contact with buyers/suppliers and can access this information. In Need Home does this to help its client’s access market and grow their enterprises.
Skills training:
refers to the purposeful activity of transferring skills and knowledge to be used to secure a livelihood or pursue an occupation.
Village savings and loans:
an informal microfinance model based solely on member savings and small, community-managed groups. Members pool savings and provide loans with interest to each other. The interest is then disbursed to group members, based on their level of savings, at the end of a time-limited cycle.