In Need Home organized a trip to the zoo and we were sponsored by some volunteers and sponsors who know about In Need Home and what it does. They catered for our transport, meals, funds, among other things.

The children were taken to the zoo and some staff members went along with them. The children were
able to see various animals including the wild animals that they were learning about in class. They really
enjoyed touring around and watching the chimpanzees since they were told by the tour guide that chimpanzees are 99% human beings, and they do many similar things as humans.

After touring around they had a delicious meal for lunch. They were taken to the play area to have some time of enjoyment. They played on the swings and also swam, they really enjoyed a lot to an extent where they didn’t want to finish.

They concluded the day at the botanical gardens where they took some time to admire the beauty of the lake.

With all that, the children were taken back to In Need Home.